When it was time to choose a name for my business, I meditated and contemplated for weeks. I wanted to make sure that what I chose reflected the pure essence of the beauty and harmony which is transmitted and brought through the ancient teachings and healings in the Lineage of King Salomon through the Modern Mystery School.
And so Pure Essentials Light Center was birthed. With all of the rapid shifts in the world many are asking the question: "What is essential?" We are reflecting on what is necessary, what is foundational... what is real and true. These questions are not only at the heart of figuring out our finances and in business and economics, but also the crux of all relationships in our lives. Our relationship with ourselves, with our family, our career, our home environment, pets, etc. All of these relationships rest upon what we have decided - either consciously or subconsciously - about what is essential. In the Empower Thyself Program, one of the main teachings is about what is a need versus a want. This is crucial because needs MUST be met in order for us to be able to fulfill our wants. What do we truly need? What is essential? We must know this so that we can fully embrace our wants and soul desires to create and express our unique selves into the world and serve others in doing so! At this time of great pause and reflection, it is essential to go inward, to begin asking the tough questions (if we haven't already) - and really take responsibility about what is working and not working in our lives - what is truly essential and what is not. We tend to carry around a bigger burden than is necessary. We drag around old stories of when we've been wronged or hurt, all of our reasons and justifications for being rude, dismissive, walled-off or hateful, and our long-held beliefs based on the original wounding we received as a child (physical, mental & emotional). This non-essential baggage tends to define a much bigger portion of our lives than we would like or perhaps care to admit, but it doesn't have to. We have the ability to choose to let things go. We can work on releasing ourselves from the painful parts of our past in order to create a new and exciting future. We can also choose to not let what's not working so great in our present to define our future. We can access, activate and amplify innate healing. We are more powerful than we know. The teachings and tools in the Lineage of King Salomon have assisted humans for centuries to free themselves of their past, and engage more fully with the present moment in peace and joy! Through meditation - and other methods such as the Life Activation Session and teachings and tools of transformation in the Empower Thyself Program - we can begin to free ourselves from the old baggage, unburden ourselves of past hurts and clear out the "mind clutter" which keeps us trapped in unhealthy patterns which perpetuate the hurt, pain and suffering into our future. We can then become aware of the pure essence of our being and recognize what is truly essential and what is not. Benefits of Meditation:
The Max Meditation System™ is a trademarked method of meditation which combines eastern and western techniques, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and time-tested methods for successful meditation. This guided meditation technique is easy for beginners though experienced meditators will benefit highly as well. This method is done seated comfortably in a chair. You will receive several highly effective tools to help manage your thoughts that you can take with you to assist you in amplifying inner peace so you can be clear-headed in decision making and focused throughout your day. The 5 Stages of the Max Meditation System™: 1) Body and Mind Relaxation Technique 2) Passive Meditation and Thought Release Exercise 3) Active Meditation using a Koto Dama 4) Guided Visualization created by Max Meditation System™ leader 5) Returning to Body and Rejuvenation Visit the Calendar for dates of upcoming meditations, classes and events. Sending you Love and Light, Beth Siragusa Guide, Healer & Teacher in the Lineage of King Salomon
As I embarked on my advanced training in the Modern Mystery School one of the first international programs I attended was called Healer's Academy. where I learned to perform the Life Activation Session, a powerful Aura Healing, and how to lead the Max Meditation System™. I remember being very excited about learning alternative methods of healing. This training lived up to the hype and was life-changing for me. Even though I've always known that I am here to support the world to heal, I didn't realize how deeply innate this ability to heal was within me - and within us all - until I attended this program. As I've progressed in my training and experience over the years, I've seen more clearly into the underlying energy flow of illness and healing and what it takes to begin the process of healing and facilitate ongoing healing. Healing is a process of returning to a state of harmony both within and without. First - Healing requires acknowledging that there is a problem. There is something not in alignment. What is not going well? There are likely some things that we can think of right now, but what about things lingering under the surface? This is where cultivating a deeper intuition and knowledge of self comes in. And I'm going to put something out there that isn't a typical viewpoint, but my experience has led me to conclude that over a lifetime our overall health is determined by how well we truly know ourselves. When we know, we have the opportunity to make a choice or choose something different. Knowledge of the state of our health - physical and energetic - is power. Second - And this is one of the most difficult steps... accepting that we need to do something about it. Once we have the knowledge that something has gone awry or is off track it may feel challenging to accept that this is happening or that we've created the conditions for disease, illness or poor health to manifest. We may feel shame, guilt or even blame about the situation. It's very important to stay in our power and accept that no matter how this situation came to be, it is now in our hands to take responsibility for the decision of what must be done now and to take action. Bringing in compassion in this moment allows us to not stay stuck in the problem, but to move forward towards a solution. Third - Reaching out for help in the healing process. It is true that we tend to underestimate how much power we actually have in ourselves to change, transform and heal. However, from time to time everyone requires a helping hand. Discerning what kind of support we need and from whom is an integral part of innate healing. We are all connected together by an energetic fabric, and those with training and experience in healing can be an integral part of our healing process. Finally - Once we have reached a certain part of our healing journey, it is time to shift focus and look at preventing misalignment and disease. What are the habits and patterns, maybe bad behaviors, which led to the imbalance or disease in the first place? What can we change or choose differently to be more in alignment with good health and thrive in our life instead of just survive? In the ancient teachings, those things that we keep in the darkness will continue to sabotage us until we are willing to bring them into the light. Hippocrates said, “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” We are the ones who have the responsibility to create and be on the lookout for the opportunities to heal, grow and step into our greater potential. One such opportunity which has been shown to access, activate and amplify innate healing is meditation. Modern science is now showing the benefits of meditation which are many. Benefits of Meditation:
The Max Meditation System™ is a trademarked method of meditation which combines eastern and western techniques, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and time-tested methods for successful meditation. This guided meditation technique is easy for beginners though experienced meditators will benefit highly as well. This method is done seated comfortably in a chair. You will receive several highly effective tools to help manage your thoughts that you can take with you to assist you in amplifying inner peace so you can be clear-headed in decision making and focused throughout your day. The 5 Stages of the Max Meditation System™: 1) Body and Mind Relaxation Technique 2) Passive Meditation and Thought Release Exercise 3) Active Meditation using a Koto Dama 4) Guided Visualization created by Max Meditation System™ leader 5) Returning to Body and Rejuvenation Visit the Calendar for dates of upcoming online meditations, classes and events. Sending you Love and Light, Beth Siragusa Guide, Healer & Teacher in the Lineage of King Salomon In these uncertain times it is vital to continue cultivating a strong foundation. What do I mean by a strong foundation? Well, when the chips are down, what are the beliefs, knowledge, understanding and practices in your life that truly support you? What "holds you up" no matter what? That is your foundation.
Are you seeing a few places your foundation that could be shored up and made stronger? I know that I certainly am! And I'm willing to bet so are most of us right now. But this is a really good thing - this is an amazing opportunity for improvement in our lives! Sometimes only in times of upheaval can we see the weak spots and opportunities for expansion and growth. One of the most stable pieces of my foundation is meditation. I dim the lights, close the door, curl up in a cozy blanket in my favorite chair, close my eyes and turn my attention inwards... and I always find the Light within the darkness. I have been personally practicing meditation for 10+ years at this point and I recommend this practice to reduce stress, rebalance and center. Beginning each day from a place of relaxation and a peaceful mindset is highly beneficial - whether it is a typical day, or perhaps even more so during times of uncertainty like what's happening right now in our world. Now... this is a dark time we are living through. So many people have been affected by the Coronavirus, some have made it through and some have passed on. My heart goes out to every single person who's lost someone and those who we have lost. To the healthcare workers and essential services employees helping those who are suffering and keeping things moving. Also to those who have lost their jobs, who are separated from family and friends and those of us feeling alone. I feel your pain and I have had moments of struggle of my own within these past few months of dealing with a new reality. Yet times are never so dark that we cannot find the light, love and joy - even in these uncomfortable or even distressing circumstances. Darkness can never drive out light, yet light always drives out darkness. It is so important right now to find, appreciate and even celebrate the many reasons we have to be grateful. We can also find comfort and hope in the wonder, goodness and magick we have yet to create and experience in our lives! This opportunity allows us as individuals to * pause * and reflect, refocus and redirect those aspects of our lives and ourselves which don't quite line up with our authentic self - that part of us which calls us forward to our greatness. And I cannot think of a more ripe opportunity to do so as humanity as a whole * pauses * and reflects, refocuses and redirects our perspective to hopefully one of greater unity as a human family. It remains to be seen, as it will rest on the decisions of each of us as individuals to add to this collective shift. Sending you Love and Light, Beth Siragusa p.s. I am offering FREE Online Meditations every Wednesday during the Stay at Home / Stay Safe order. Can't make this one? More upcoming meditations. The path is walked by few, the way is narrow, the rewards are beyond measure. This is the path of Know Thyself. Pause - Reflect, Recenter, Refocus - I keep asking myself throughout my days in the midst of such change “what is really important right now?” This is such an incredible opportunity for seeing what really matters. Love being the highest on my list for sure! Then choice, I always have a choice how to respond, even when it appears I am powerless I am indeed not. And thirdly connection - with the divine, with the divinity within, with the divinity in others.
*** This Wednesday 4/8 at 8am PST - Start your day off well! Experience a meditation technique that is easy for beginners and is done seated comfortably in a chair. You will receive several tools to help manage your thoughts and give you a sense of inner peace.
***This meditation method is being offered for FREE at this time (donations accepted via Paypal, look for link below) to support those looking for a natural, self-sustaining and highly effective method for reducing stress, centering oneself and accessing reserves of energy as we go through this challenging time. Follow link in bio for Zoom Registration. ***This method of meditation was created by Dr. Gudni Gudnason after over 35 years of study with yogic masters in Tibet and India, with the Golden Dawn mystery school in England, and after completing his PhD in Neuro-inguistic Programming. It is a trademark system which truly merges the best of Eastern and Western knowledge of the human system and meditation techniques such as transcendental meditation. ***The 5 Stages of Max Meditation TM: 1) Body and Mind Relaxation Technique 2) Passive Meditation and Thought Release Exercise 3) Active Meditation using a Koto Dama 4) Guided Meditation created by Max Meditation TM leader 5) Returning to Body Consciousness Date: Wednesday, April 8th Time: 8:00am - 9:00am Investment: FREE to attend with registration. If you would like to support this work, donations are accepted via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SZCGURBSMQG3U&source=url Register for this online meditation through Zoom: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vJQscOyuqz8p3sSO8mcdYG8Pf-PdljyjpA #meditation #free #stress |
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