Life Activation with this amazing lady today!!! Such an honor to serve this bright Light 💖✨ @marleenmadding #activated #lightlife#lightworker #light #harmony #beauty #love#peace #joy #empowerment#womenempoweringwomen
Enjoy Life! These beautiful roses smell as good as they look. I picked them from my yard and they are lending their fragrance to my room ! It’s the little touches that allow me to enjoy life. How about you, what ways do you find to enjoy life? #enjoylife
Memorial - root word memory, to remember, keeping a memory alive. I work every day with remembering and helping others remember, the question is what do we want to remember and why? I have concluded for myself personally that remembering first and foremost that I am one with everything and everyone is what I want to remember in every moment. This is my foundation. Moving forward in this understanding helps me promote peace and healing, something our world can use more of. What are you remembering today?
. . . . #memorialdayweekend #memories#remember #peace #worldpeace Spark of Life Distance Healing. This session can be done remotely to anywhere in the world 🌎 ✨ I had the pleasure of performing this session yesterday evening and I was reminded of its power - had to share!! Addressing negative energy patterns in the body and aura, a powerful catalyst for positive transformation of physical & emotional pain, chronic & acute illness, insomnia & sleep disorders, depression & anxiety. All modalities are complimentary alongside medical advice and not a substitute. The session is 2 hours for $165, Contact Beth to for consultation and scheduling.
. . . #distancehealing #distancereiki#healingenergy #chronicpain#chronicillness #depressed #depression#anxiety #insomnia #sleepdeprived Alignment is a Sacred struggle - This week I had the pleasure of teaching the Stress Rescue TM Class and working with dedicated souls to not just reduce their stress but understand that we are always aligning ourselves either with the flow of our pure essence within or away from it! I view alignment with the true self as a sacred struggle, and the Modern Mystery School teachings and tools I work with are the most amazing and transformational I have ever received and have the honor to share to create this Sacred alignment. And believe me I’ve tried A LOT of what it out there. Bottom Line - There will always be forces working to pull you away from focusing on who you really are and what your purpose is in this life. This struggle will always be present as long as there is movement in life and breath in you, the question is are you fighting for your progression to a greater state of being and doing in the world or against it? .
. . . . #sacredstruggle #elements #metaphysical#divine #empowerment #knowthyself#spiritjunkie #loveyourself #grow I am excited to announce a NEW Activation I am adding to my list - the 🔥 Fire Soul Activation and Infusion ! This session combats apathy, stagnation and mediocrity. Ready for the next level up? It’s here! #levelup #entrepreneur #spiritjunkie#lightlife #activation
Honor your Soul’s contract to Serve. We are made of Earth, water, air, fire and Spirit! These combine in a unique way for each of us to express our pure essence of divinity. Each of us is here to bring our piece of creating our world together. Will you choose to create with fear or with love? In isolation or togetherness? Amplifying hate or forgiveness? The choice is with each of us. Search your heart and use your gifts well! #shamballa #create #soul #elements#metaphysical #empower #divine
December 2024
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