#StepUpSunday "Whatever you do, you replicate into your future." - Beth Siragusa, Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon
What are you doing in your day-to-day life? Whatever you're doing today is a good indicator of tomorrow. How do you treat yourself and the people around you? How do you want to be treated? This past week in particular I've had several opportunities to look at my life and my actions and really make some choices to take my life to the next level. I don't expect this to be easy or quick, but I know that in the end my work will pay off and I will step-up and into a more positive direction. I encourage you to consider in what ways you can step-up in your life to bring in positive change and a better tomorrow. Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon
#SelfCareSaturday I recently started drinking Tulsi tea, also known as "holy basil" and I'm really liking it. Also it helps "crowd out" less healthy choices when I introduce another option into my life. What is a healthier alternative or something that's a step-up from what you're doing now?
Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon #FreedomFriday "If you're desiring to open up to greater freedom, embrace forgiveness - for yourself first, then others." - Beth Siragusa, Certified Teacher and Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon
I took a class a few years ago called Transformational Forgiveness that changed the way I looked at forgiveness, and turned it into something empowering and FREEING! This class is coming again to #Seattle on August 27th. By participating in this day-long class, taught by Verla L Wade, you will: 1. Release yourself from the patterns of debtor/creditor, mistaker/mistaken, agressor/victim. 2. Clear the vibration of negative emotions including resentment, judgment, blame, guilt, hatred, anger and negative attachments. 3. Repair the fracturing of your soul. 4. Release the karmic ties of negative attachment and clear your Akashic Records. 5. Cleanse your heart of all lack of forgiveness. If you're interested in signing up, you can pay your deposit now and reserve your seat: http://bit.ly/1VI3mpM All class details are here: https://www.facebook.com/events/206969229686335/ I hope you consider giving yourself the gift of learning tools to release yourself from blame, shame, judgment, guilt and negative thinking so you can embrace a greater freedom in your life! Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon #TestimonialThursday I led a Kabbalah study group yesterday with the main topic of mercy & compassion. I was given an amazing reminder that your life is a testimony of all you have experienced, and when you choose to experience something different you shift your life trajectory.
My life was on a very different trajectory or path just a few short years ago. In 2007 I was 2 years into working with the #1 environmental consulting firm in the world based in Houston. In an office of 200+ people I felt completely isolated and alone. I hadn't always felt this way about it, but I had begun what I now recognize as a spiritual awakening... and I was waking up to a desire to do more with my life. Fast-forward to 9 years later and I am living my day-to-day life to serve others in their process of awakening their hearts and claiming their destinies. Along the way I've learned that the choice is always in my hands and it takes planning and discipline to take my dreams and manifest them into my life. I've learned that I'm happiest when I'm working towards goals that I feel in 100% alignment with. It took discernment and courage to make these choices towards my more authentic self. And I've learned that it's totally possible to carve a path that is uniquely my own! So, today my life is much more a testimony of who I really am. What choices can you make today that shift your trajectory towards a path that is closer to your authentic self? Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon #WisdomWednesday I am going to share one of my favorite quotes from Buddha. He was an amazing teacher and worked to teach compassion towards self and others. "The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances." - Buddha, sage and teacher of the Middle Way
Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon
"If the conversation you are having with your life is no longer relevant, change the conversation." - Beth Siragusa, Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon
How many times do we continue down a path out of habit? Look at your life and ask yourself - 'Am I continuing with a way of life that doesn't support who I have become or who I am growing into being?' Consider the ongoing internal conversation that you have with your life. How might this dialogue need to shift to allow you to move into something greater? If you are looking for support and encouragement in your process, I serve as a strong ally and advocate for you to make the changes necessary to grow into your greatness and live your dreams. I'm here for you! Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon #MotivationMonday "Motivation is sparked by the clarity of what is most important, and the desire to fulfill a calling within oneself." - Beth Siragusa, Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon
Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon #StepUpSunday Reflecting on today I am filled with a sense that there is so much to do in life. While this would have given me a feeling of fear and dread just a few short years ago, today it gives me a sense of positive challenge and hope! There are so many opportunities in my life to be of service to my own progression and to others in their quest for a fulfilled and meaningful life. What will you do to meet the challenges in your life in a meaningful way? #winninglife #followyourheart #blissthroughdevotion#dedicatethyself #fulfillment
Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon #SelfCareSaturday I had a LOT of fun with the ladies of the IDE Council on Wednesday creating magickal bath salts to be the GIFT at the upcoming Heart & Soulevent on Wednesday, August 3rd here in Seattle. Today I am trying them out on myself!!! These bath salts are formulated to inspire desire, in alignment with the theme of the event "The Inspiration of a Desire-Filled Life!" I am sooooo looking forward to relaxing in a nice hot fragrant bath after this week that's been full of joy but also so busy! How are you taking care of yourself this Saturday? Peace!
Your Ally In Health & Empowerment, Beth Siragusa Certified Teacher & Life Activation Practitioner in the Ancient Lineage of King Salomon |
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