7-Layer Aura Healing
This healing addresses weak points in all 7 layers of your aura. The aura is the etheric layer that surrounds your physical body and is encompassed of specific structures which support your physical body and mental body. When your aura is weakened the physical body and mental body will feel this! It is something we can all use because the aura is sensitive. This aura healing repairs damage and is very rejuvenating.
Some signs of weak spots in your aura:
Multiple sessions may be advised based on your initial session. Aura Healing sessions may be scheduled from 3 days to 1 week apart. Scheduling this Aura Healing as a monthly maintenance session helps keep your etheric structures in good working order. |
Reclaim your energy and bring clarity to your life with this session!
Session Investment:
What people are saying about
their 7-Layer Aura Healing experience: "This was a very relaxing session, I found my body relaxing so much I fell asleep! Good news is I woke up feeling great." - Anonymous in Seattle, WA Benefits of the 7-Layer Aura Healing