The lotus flower symbolizes the crown chakra, our connection with the divine.
In my experience, meditation has made the most difference in connecting to this Universal God, Source, Light. When I connect, I can then bring this energy in and remind myself that I am one with that Light, Love and Will of God. This daily reminder has nourished and balanced me through many times of trial and also gives me what I need to grow to the next level in my life. The lotus flower is beautiful and it is rooted deep in the darkness, yet always finds its way up to the Light to blossom. Remember your connection to the divine is always within, waiting to rise up. #lotus #crown #rise #riseup #consciousness #light #divine #meditation
✨”To Know Thyself is the beginning of Wisdom.” - Socrates
Authenticity is a way of being which is in alignment with the path of your highest purpose and also acknowledges where you are while honoring the journey of your past. We each have the seed of our authentic greatness within, and it takes special nourishment to grow this seed into a fruitful tree of life!! ✨”There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” - Benjamin Franklin So… Why is it so difficult a path to truly know ourselves? We have patterns, assumptions based on past experiences, judgments, blame, shame, and guilt which cloud our perceptions of ourselves and others. ✨”’Know Thyself’ was written over the portal of the antique world. Over the portal of the new world ‘Be Thyself’ shall be written.” - Oscar Wilde Once we have done the work (yes, it is work) to know ourselves and resolve and heal past wounds and unhealthy patterns which resulted from that wounding, each part of us piece by piece can be reclaimed and free to show through. ✨”Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” - Henry David Thoreau Authenticity cannot be bought, it cannot be faked, it cannot be achieved through denial or escapism. Our true authenticity lays us bare for the world to see. Exquisitely vulnerable, yet… unshakable. True authenticity stands on the firm foundation of the eternal, the enduring pure essence of who we really are. ✨”We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” - William Shakespeare When we make the commitment to knowing and being our authentic selves, we begin living a more fulfilled and joyous life! And we shine as a beacon of light to others. With Love, Purpose and Service, Beth #knowthyself #authenticity #bethyself #transform #levelup #potential #purpose The beauty of the petal is in the seed.
Hidden, unseen, and unimagined. For a plant to flower 🌸 and fruit it puts all its resources into that singular goal, sometimes risking its own life to bring forth its most precious creation! ✨ Each being has wonderful potential. Life is our opportunity to express potential at the highest level possible. #nature #flower #inspire #goals #focus #effort #potential #tigermountain #seattle I used to think that forgiveness was for the person who was in the “wrong”.
That created a lot of anger and resentment in me because I didn’t want to let them off the hook, especially when there was no apology or remorse! In my case I tended to internalize the pain and essentially keep the wound open by reminding myself of the hurt over and over. This wasted precious time, energy and pulled me down into a cycle of anxiety (fearing the next wound) and depression (ruminating on my wounds). But I didn’t know how to heal… until I learned true forgiveness. When I learned that forgiveness is never really about the other person… it was a game-changer. Forgiveness doesn’t excuse the wrong behavior, it’s not a “get out of jail free card”. Forgiveness doesn’t mean I have to forget the awful thing that happened. It’s only smart to remember so I can learn and if necessary protect myself in the future. Forgiveness means releasing myself from being “wounded” and being the “victim”. It’s the beginning of the healing process. Forgiveness is about releasing myself from the attachment or bond with the pain. It’s about releasing myself from unnecessary suffering. Without forgiveness there can be no true healing. Forgiveness is “Ok, this thing happened. Am I going to now use it to justify my own hurtful behavior towards myself and possibly others? Or do I move on with my life?” In my experience, I learned that I cannot move forward from that negative/traumatic event until I can forgive and release my blame, shame, guilt, judgment of myself (for letting it happen or whatever my perceived part in it was) and the other(s). Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can ever give to yourself and the world. It frees you to live your best life instead of being stuck, controlled by a past event. If you need help with learning to forgive, I have some amazing tools to share. I’m here for you because I’ve been through it and come out the other side! I know the depths of the pain. And I also know the incredible joy on the other side of the healing process. Sending you so much love 💗 Beth #forgiveness #forgiveyourself #forgive #selflove #selfcare #heal #healing |
December 2024
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