Shifting vibes and Changing lives at the MeWe Metaphysical & Healing fair in Bellevue at the Vasa Park Resort. I’ve done a few mini healing sessions and given a talk on how to tune into your higher self. I’m also LOVING connecting with so many incredible people, I love you guys!!! 🥰💖✨ #mewe #metaphysics #seattle #bellevue
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Earlier this August I ran, jumped, kicked, punched and did a million push-ups, squats and crunches… All to better my physical body, but also emotional, mental and spiritual awareness. It was Awesome!!! The teaching, training and self-improvements are real. I’m so proud to be a part of this incredible school - The Modern Mystery School. A path of self-exploration and tremendous healing, growth and accomplishment.
#modernmysteryschool #training #martialarts #purpose #growth #community What do you want? Whatever it is align yourself with it. You may be thinking, “But Beth… I’ve been trying to do that!!!” Yeah, trust me I get it 😊✨✨✨ Most of us are consciously aligning with what we want and desire pretty well. But it’s what’s holding us back under the surface that gets tricky. We need tools and ways to heal what’s going on under the surface of our lives and minds in order to truly align with the beautiful truth of who we are. So, in my experience, the healing process is an integral, unavoidable and important part of aligning ourselves with what we want. #healing #loa #attraction #want #align #alignment
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