The Modern Mystery School
The Modern Mystery School is an organization dedicated to the mission of creating World Peace.
The Modern Mystery School has been open to the general public since 1997 and continues a 3,000+ year tradition of handing down the tools of empowerment through the Lineage of King Salomon. Certified Guides, Healers, Teachers and Life Activation Practitioners use the ancient teachings and tools of power and transformation to bring peace, light, support and true healing to people's lives. This turns one's focus from externally motivated to internally inspired, and one begins to uncover their unique life purpose and how to reach fulfillment within this lifetime. Within the Modern Mystery School there is a Path of Progression. Step 1 - Life Activation Step 2 - Empower Thyself Program Step 3 - Healer's Academy 1 From this point there are many Advanced Spiritual training opportunities that open to the Initiate to explore at the International level. As one explores their unique journey within this path, many doors will open and the way is made according to one's own unique life purpose and in conjunction with their own dedication to self & others. |
The International Headquarters for the Modern Mystery School is located in Toronto, ON, Canada. Advanced Spiritual training is available, and a few of the many programs offered are:
The Modern Mystery School upholds these fundamental beliefs and core values. |
Modern Mystery School Leadership
Founder Gudni "Frater Ged" GudnasonFounder Gudni Gudnason is the founder of the Modern Mystery School. He is the Lineage Holder and an Ipsissimus, Ritual Master in the Lineage of King Solomon the Great, a Kabbalistic High Priest, a Viking Shaman, a Celtic Medicine Man, a Reiki Master, a channel for the Galactic Federation, a Martial Arts Master holding a 6th degree black belt, and more.
In addition to sharing advanced spiritual teachings in the Modern Mystery School, Founder Gudni Gudnason is the founder of the Golden Pyramid of Peace and has done extensive charity work in Fukushima, Japan and many other places around the globe. |
Ipsissimus Dave THOR LanyonSince 2004 Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon has helped to grow the Modern Mystery School from 12 countries to over 55 countries with his guidance and skilled leadership.
Ipsissimus Dave has dedicated his life to the teaching, healing and helping people of all walks of life through the tenants of the Modern Mystery School, specifically to Know Thyself. His specific expertise is identifying blocks a person is running up against and directing them towards higher frequencies and profound understanding. |
Ipsissimus Hideto REI NakagomeIpsissimus Hideto Nakagome joined the Modern Mystery School in 2000 and since that time he has undertaken the mission of the Modern Mystery School which is to create world peace and works passionately towards this end.
Ipsissimus Hideto hails from a pure Japanese Bushi or Samurai family and employs this power in his work within the Modern Mystery School. His teachings are marked with a humor and grace that allows his students to relax and enjoy the their studies. |
- The Council of 12 -
The Council of 12 is a group of 12 women, high-level initiates from all over the world, who serve as leadership for the Modern Mystery School. They provide counsel, verification and confer with the members of the Third Order about the various projects and missions of the Modern Mystery School.
This has allowed for the Goddess power and connection with the Shekinah to be anchored through these structures of the Third Order and Council of 12 in the King Salomon lineage. These women who occupy the seats of the Council of 12 and we honor with the title "Divina" rotate through their roles as needed, so you will see some of these women shift and change year-to-year.
Learn more about the Council of 12 and read a message from each of the 6 empowered women leading in the Western hemisphere.
This has allowed for the Goddess power and connection with the Shekinah to be anchored through these structures of the Third Order and Council of 12 in the King Salomon lineage. These women who occupy the seats of the Council of 12 and we honor with the title "Divina" rotate through their roles as needed, so you will see some of these women shift and change year-to-year.
Learn more about the Council of 12 and read a message from each of the 6 empowered women leading in the Western hemisphere.