Samhain… All Hallows’ Eve… The Witch’s New Year! The time as the veil between this world and the spirit world is thin and we are able to give thanks for our ancestors. The long line of souls who have lived their unique lives before us. Paving the path of humanity and potential. There are stories that our ancestors are now among the stars which shine down on us, and I like to think it is true 😊✨ I hope everyone had a joyous holiday! Merry we meet and merry we part! 🎃💖✨
#samhain #halloween #witch #spirit #allhallowseve #holidayseason
*It’s time to Celebrate!!!
*Celebrate what? You may ask… there is so much “ick” and craziness in the world. What could we possibly have to celebrate??? *And isn’t it selfish to be happy when so many others are not?… *No! In fact, celebrating is one of the most unselfish things you can do! *Why? How? *Celebration shifts your vibration, and when you shift to a more positive state of being you send that elevated energy OUT into the collective consciousness!!! *Once upon a time every human understood that celebrating and raising the energy together benefited all of us. All indigenous tribes on the planet have their roots in understanding this building of collective energy through celebration. This is built into these cultures and has been somewhat lost in modern society. *One such example is the Ubuntu tribe in Africa. When one of the members starts acting out in negative or harmful ways to themselves or others, all members will stop what they are doing and surround this person. They see mistakes as a cry for help. For two whole days they each in turn will say something positive and loving to the person, accepting and celebrating who they are, connecting with them and giving hope, until that person’s mindset and energy shifts. Until they remember “I am good.” They then dance together and celebrate that this person is once again a full member in unity with the tribe, all working together in harmony and joy! *Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could use celebration to shift our world in this way? *We absolutely can! #celebrate #holidayseason #moments #shift #raisevibration #lightworker Lighting up the Pacific Northwest!! with good friends 😊💖✨🦄 The next MeWe Fair in Lynnwood is January 7th & 8th 2023!! Come and visit me there :)
#mewe #seattle #lynnwood #pacificnorthwest #pnw #healing #energyhealing #dnaactivation One year ago I received an incredible method of reiki energy healing called Ensofic Reiki. Taught by Sensei Sylwester OrgankaThis training has truly served me and my clients, bringing the ability to shift and change to new heights!! Over the many many sessions I’ve provided this past year I’ve witnessed “impossible” healing and shifts for people - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. And now… I will be receiving more training in November from Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome in the Modern Mystery School International to further expand my knowledge and ability of this amazing system of energy healing. I will also be trained to offer this as a distance healing!! I’m so excited and grateful for this opportunity.
#reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #reikipractitioner #reikienergy #reikihealer #energyhealing #energyhealer #energywork #energymedicine #positiveenergy #ensofic What are your super powers? I used to think I was nothing special. That I had to just work really hard to get ahead in life (which is partly true). But what I didn’t realize is that I had hidden gifts and talents which I just hadn’t activated and engaged with. The problem was I didn’t know I had them or how to bring them to the surface!! These hidden gifts were in alignment with my life purpose and my JOY! Finding a way, a path, a method, technique, training, perspective which allowed me to bring these forward and use these has made ALL the difference. Allowing me to shift from being a spectator of my life to the leader of my life. Even more than that, these gifts have brought a richness and meaning to my life - opening up so many opportunities and ways to serve myself and others to evolve and grow! Do you feel these hidden gifts under the surface? Do you know you are here for something greater? DM me, and let’s chat about uncovering the hidden gifts within YOU! 💝✨
#hiddengifts #hiddenknowledge #joy #yolo #liveyourbestlife |
December 2024
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