Practice makes Reality. For this reason my daily habits and rituals are something I guard carefully. Life has a way of breaking through into “me time” if I don’t hold healthy boundaries. Practice is a pattern. You either set in place positive or negative patterns. Getting conscious of what you are really practicing means to be fully engaged awake and aware in many aspects of yourself and in life. Are you practicing the life you actually desire to live? If not, why not? ✨ #practice#reality #transformation #habits#evolve #grow #bestlife
Is it healthy? Is it helpful? These two questions are the guardians of my life, my time, my energy and my financial resources. What truly serves me in my life? What fills my cup so I may serve others? #deepthoughts#kabbalah #treeoflife #bestlife#lightworker #magickal #healthy#helpful #selfcare #kindness
I took advantage of the energy of this Full Moon 🌕 to create and bring my vision and dreams closer to reality. The natural cycles of the Earth 🌎 and the Moon 🌙 , the Sun ☀️ and Cosmos 💫 are the cycles of manifestation and life/death/rebirth. Having the tools through and ancient Mystery School to harness these cycles and create good and beauty in my life and bring it to others as well is such a pleasure! I love natural Magick! 🔥 #fullmoon #magickal #wicca#lightworker #bestlife #moon #natural
Don’t get mad, get Magickal. We always have a choice. We can stay in the negative energy of anger, resentment, judgment and fear or we can transmute out of our lower vibratory state by using tools of true Magick which transform us into beings which hold more light, forgiveness, compassion, joy and love. The choice is ours, in every moment. #lightlife#lightworker #bestlife #seattle#transform #magickal
December 2024
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