“A healthy Aura is Priceless.” It has been 7 years since I quit all substances. So for the past 2,555 days I’ve had NO alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs of any kind, including prescription or over the counter! All of these substances affect our energy structure, our aura. A healthy aura is the foundation for a healthy life. Anything that affects the aura affects our mind, our emotions, and forms or reinforces the patterns in our lives!! Being free and clear has allowed me to live from a different perspective and have clarity to move forward with incredible positivity and joy!! If you’re wanting to turn a new leaf this year and release yourself from old patterns, let’s talk. I have several aura healing sessions that have massive benefits!! 💖✨ #aura #newyear#newyearresolution #lightworker#lightlife #seattle #bestdayever#bestlife #motivation
“I took the 2 day Empower Thyself intensive in July of 2018...I am more grounded, able to be in the moment, and it has strengthened my connection with Source...Empower Thyself is a very unique and powerful opportunity. Beth is an amazing teacher and healer...If you get the chance to experience this powerful class, take it! It will change you in ways you cannot imagine.” - Kimberly in Kent, WA
#empoweringwomen #empowerment#lightlife #lightworker #knowthyself#knowyourworth #knowledge#understanding #wisdom#investinyourself #seattle Your Spirit doesn’t have a Contingency Plan. ... Why? You have a unique purpose, it is big, it’s it’s your job to find it within and express it into the world. You didn’t come here to work at a desk or labor away for 40-50 years then retire with barely enough to live on!! You know that right? You were made for more, for better. If you’re ready for that more, for a path of finding and expressing you and living the bliss of self-revelation, I have tools to help with that. #dream #do#purpose #lifepurpose #mysteryschool#ancienttoolsofpower #now#nowisthetime #whatareyouwaitingfor#freedomlifestyle #spiritualgangster#bossbabe #lightworker #lightlife#loveyourself #itistime #itstime#livefully #livefree
Will you join me? Support the Modern Mystery School Pacific Northwest in our $10 Starbucks gift card drive. Going towards making the holidays a little brighter for Washington Kids in Transition and families on the brink of homelessness. Everyone should be able to enjoy something special at this time of year. Message me for details!! #give #charity #seattle
December 2024
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