And of course through meditation - and other methods such as the Life Activation Session and teachings and tools of transformation in the Empower Thyself Program - we can boost our joy and enjoy life more! Sending you Love and Light, Beth Siragusa Guide, Healer & Teacher in the Lineage of King Salomon p.s. I am offering FREE Online Meditations every Wednesday during the Stay at Home / Stay Safe order. Take a look at our calendar of events.
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I hear it all the time. The people I'm speaking with don't always say it outright, but I can hear it in their voice, the tone of the text or email. We are STRESSED.
And for good reason! Our world is rapidly changing and shifting. What we used to depend on, what we thought was solid and reliable, might not be around tomorrow. I teach a class called Stress Rescue™ in which I share the underlying causes and mechanisms of stress in our bodies and lives, as well as the 10 most effective methods for alleviating stress. I'd like to share the #1 tip for relieving stress - Breathe. By studying blood levels of stress hormones, experts have determined that your brain takes 10 seconds to recognize a "stressor". This means that you have 10 seconds to pause, and inhibit the stress response. In that pause, you can give your brain the "information" that this is not a stressor. The De-Stress Breathing Technique:
This 10 second pause will buy you the time to make a decision BEFORE your body begins the stress hormone release that will alter your perceptual and physiological state for the next SIX HOURS! Stress leads to many problems in our body, mind and emotions - such as:
Through meditation - and other methods such as the Life Activation Session and teachings and tools of transformation in the Empower Thyself Program - we can alleviate not only stress and it's effects, but the causes of stress in our lives! We become proactive instead of reactive. Keep in mind that I am offering support through these challenging times. Don't hesitate to reach out and we can schedule a time to talk. Sending you Love and Light, Beth Siragusa Guide, Healer & Teacher in the Lineage of King Salomon p.s. I am offering FREE Online Meditations every Wednesday during the Stay at Home / Stay Safe order. Take a look at our calendar of events. What would it take for us to speak these words and truly mean them?
Imagine that you are at the end of your life. You are reviewing all of the events in your personal history. What do you want to have seen, done, known, understood and accomplished? What do you think that you'll regret if you don't go for it now? What are the things that you are doing now that don't really matter in the grand scheme of your life? A hospic nurse wrote a book where she details her observations in the last 12 weeks of life, entitled "The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying" - here they are: 1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. 2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard. 3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings. 4. I wish I'd stayed in touch with my friends. 5. I wish that I'd let myself be happier. As I was contemplating this list, I realized that regrets #2, 3, 4 and 5 are all a result of regret #1. Let's break this down a bit... If we are doing work that we enjoy and makes us happy, we never work a day in our lives! Work won't be so "hard" and even when it is we know that it is worth it because it matters to us. The Mystery Schools have called this "Life Purpose" or our calling. It fulfills a deep yearning within when we are in alignment with and doing this type of work. We will feel the most joy that is possible when in alignment with our Life Purpose. The Life Activation is the first step towards finding and aligning with your Life Purpose, through unlocking the physical and spiritual DNA to allow greater access to our gifts and deeper understanding of our true selves. When we are doing work we love, we aren't afraid to express our feelings and emotions. Why? Because our priorities are in order. We understand what's truly important and we aren't afraid to express ourselves. Our emotions are connected to a source of truth within, and these are really valid to pay attention to. Of course there is a balance, and the mind/intellect must be weighed against the feelings/emotions in order to have a balanced and harmonious life. Also, this prioritization allows us to connect. We tend to withdraw when we don't feel like we're measuring up to some mark or goal. It's a tendency to "hide" or go inward. This isn't a bad impulse at all, in fact, it helps us to reconnect within to our true selves - if we allow ourselves the time and space to turn inwards and do that work. Unfortunately, there are so many distractions in the modern world it's so easy to become trapped in old habits and patterns or addictions or watching TV and scrolling through social media as a distraction, rather than do our own inner work to become clear about our lives and then connect with others from an empowered state of being. Can you imagine what those relationships would then look like?! And finally - happiness comes from within and being here in the now moment. We tend to rush around and be really busy, or indulge in the many forms of distraction which prevent us from being truly present in our lives. But true happiness is felt in the moment, being present with all of our senses. And again, it's much more appealing to be present in life when we are doing fulfilling work and connected with that source of joy within! Through meditation - and other methods such as the Life Activation Session and teachings and tools of transformation in the Empower Thyself Program - we can begin to transform our lives and ensure that we have no regrets!! In my experience, living with no regrets isn't about making bold moves or taking big risks - though these can sometimes be a part of the process. It's about knowing oneself as fully as possible and living from the most authentic self and be able to stand fully in the light with no blame, shame or guilt. "This is me. This is who I am, and I am constantly evolving." And it really does take dedication, determination and practice to live in that state. Sending you Love and Light, Beth Siragusa Guide, Healer & Teacher in the Lineage of King Salomon p.s. I am offering FREE Online Meditations every Wednesday during the Stay at Home / Stay Safe order. Take a look at our calendar of events. In metaphysical teachings, the imagination is one of the most powerful tools for transformation that we possess.
What we can see we can achieve. The teachings in the Lineage of King Salomon expand up on this in the Empower Thyself Program. Delving into the workings of the mind, how thoughts impact every area of our lives, and how to begin to use the powerful tool of imagination to create our reality. Yet, the mind and our thoughts are not all that we have at our disposal. There is an energy, a force, a creational impulse which we can access from within. The Jedi in Star Wars were in part patterned after the metaphysical teachings - the Force is really with Us! There is an underlying energy to everything. This energy is what we tap into with our intuition. And we can learn to heighten our connection to our intuition with teachings and training. Our school system, for the most part, keeps us locked into our left brains - the logic brain. Yet, our right brain is where intuition is accessed. Except for the arts, the training of accessing and using our intuition is vastly ignored in current society. Have you ever had a "gut feeling"? Or have you ever just "known" something and not understood how? These feelings and insights are your intuition speaking to you. They are your connection with your higher self - that part of you that knows your highest good path. Wouldn't it seem useful to be able to access this? Through meditation and other training and methods, you can! There are ways to develop clear, consistent and reliable guidance from your inner light - that part of you that knows your life purpose and the means to fulfill it. Your life purpose is what will give you the most joy in your life and allow you to share that joy with others! So you see, the force is with us in every moment. It is within us and we only need to access it. And, like in the movies, we can use this force for good or not, the choice is up to us. The teachings and tools in the Lineage of King Salomon have assisted humans for centuries to tap into the force within for good, and engage more fully with the present moment in peace and joy! I often hear from first-timers that it is Jedi training for real - or a real-life Hogwarts Academy! As I look around at what is happening in our world and in my life, I am even more determined to share these teachings and tools of empowering ourselves. These methods create a firm foundation for a new life of peace and harmony to anchor in our lives. Through meditation - and other methods such as the Life Activation Session and teachings and tools of transformation in the Empower Thyself Program - we can begin to free ourselves from the old baggage, unburden ourselves of past hurts and clear out the "mind clutter" which keeps us trapped in unhealthy patterns which perpetuate the hurt, pain and suffering into our future. We can then become aware of the pure essence of our being to access and use the force within for tremendous good! Keep in mind that I am offering support through these challenging times. Don't hesitate to reach out and we can schedule a time to talk. Sending you Love and Light, Beth Siragusa Guide, Healer & Teacher in the Lineage of King Salomon p.s. I am offering FREE Online Meditations every Wednesday during the Stay at Home / Stay Safe order. Take a look at our calendar of events. |
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