Sacred Geometry 1 Class
Sacred Geometry is the study and contemplation of Divine Proportion and the geometric patterns that are fundamental to creation and structure of the Universe. In understanding these geometric patterns and vibrational energies, one learns the pure language of the cosmos and gains access to universal wisdom.
In this class you will work with the 3 Sacred Geometries known as the "3 Keys to Heaven" to create a high energy, tranquil space to live, work and relax in for yourself and those around you. In addition, you will learn the basic gridding and sealing of a space, and how to protect against unwanted outside influences. It is especially helpful for those who work in the creative or healing arts. Key methods and color manual are included.
There will be an opportunity to find out more about other classes offered through the Modern Mystery School. Receiving the Life Activation session prior to this class is highly recommended. Why? The Life Activation helps to unlock your spiritual DNA through in infusion of energy and balancing in your aura and opens you up to a deeper level of access to the Universal energies, wisdom & understanding. |
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