Hermetic Soul Retrieval
This 3 hour session aids in re-integrating soul fragments from past trauma. Utilizing the power of the moon, this ancient lineage healing session allows the practitioner to find Soul fragments which have been lost in traumatic experience or from shock in response to various experiences.
This process is gentle and beneficial for any age or situation in life, and is especially helpful during major times of transition and healing, after mild or severe trauma, hospitalization or surgery, or end of life preparation. Benefits of the Hermetic Soul Retrieval:
Bring back the pieces of your soul - so that you may fully heal!Session Investment:
What people are saying about their Hermetic Soul Retrieval Session: "The only way I can really describe it, is that I felt Whole again afterwards. It was like I had been missing an arm or a leg and didn't realize how I'd been handicapped without it until it was brought back." - Anonymous in Seattle, WA |