Awaken Thyself Class
This class introduces the Modern Mystery School and the Path of the Initiate, a path of self-realization and freedom.
What you will learn:
Awaken your insights!Pre-Requisite: Life Activation
Class Tuition: $85 What people are saying about
their Awaken Thyself experience: "I had a lot of questions about what a Mystery School was all about. So glad I came to this class and I have a clear understanding and totally see why people use this as a path of empowerment." - Anonymous in Seattle WA There will be an opportunity to find out what other classes are offered through the Modern Mystery School.
It is required that you receive the Life Activation session prior to this class. Why? The Life Activation helps to unlock your spiritual DNA through in infusion of energy and balancing in your aura and opens you up to a deeper level of access to the Universal energies. |